How you are seen and experienced as a leader is critical to your success in business and in life. Many brilliant executives have successfully “climbed the ladder” but are sorely lacking in people skills.
Laurie Burton Training has spent decades working in all levels of business organizations. We’ve learned that effective leaders value other people, are perceptive about their needs and enjoy day-to-day interactions. Great leaders engage and inspire the people they work with—they ask questions and listen. Leaders who are “people people” know how to connect with their team and their customers.
When people experience you as a leader, they will follow you. If they see you as open and honest, they will trust you. If they believe in your passion, they will believe in you—and in themselves. The ability to understand people becomes the foundation for decision making and action.
Laurie Burton Training’s Executive Leadership Development Program helps you master the expression of all of these qualities and more. Ready to get started? Let’s go!