Last week at my networking meeting, I asked my fellow team mates if they could make a list of 10 things that they are passionate about. Most of them raised their hands. “Really,” I said, “you are all that in touch with your passions?”
“Ok,” I said, “I’m going to give you all a minute or two to show me how much you know yourselves. Take out a paper and pencil and make your list. These passions should flow out of your mouth, because you know them so well.”
Well, no surprise, they didn’t know their passions as well as they thought. “Why did I ask you this question about your passions, I asked?” Someone answered, “So that we can use these passions in our one-minute presentations?”
(Every week we all give a one-minute presentation about our businesses and ourselves) “Yes, your passions can serve as the energetic and emotional core of your talk,” I said. From there, your story will be more engaging and compelling, infused with life.
Think about that. If you are in touch with one of your passions before you present, the life and animation that lives in that passion will carry over into your presentation.
The secret is to make real contact with that passion.
Let’s say the passion you’ve chosen is skiing. Then you have to imagine how you feel when skiing. Are you filled with the joy of being alive? Do you feel like you can conquer anything, any turn, and any mountain? How about how being in the beauty of nature makes you feel? In this moment allow your memory of the experience fill your being. Now, give your presentation energized with the passion you have for skiing re-membered—you’ve put it back in your body and it is available to you. Does this make sense?
I know it does right now, but the problem arises when walking up to give your presentation, you quickly forget your passionate response when tension starts to rear its ugly head. Too often, tension heightens the fear factor and people give into it, being driven to get off the spot where all eyes are on them. I know it can be very intimidating. That’s why my clients practice multiple techniques for dealing with the tension demon.
Back to you: Make a list of 10 of your passions. Give yourself 5 minutes, maximum. If you have difficulty, determine to go for some part of every day with the spirit of discovery. Note what you were passionate about in that day and add it to your list. You may reacquaint yourself with passions you’ve neglected, maybe rediscover your love of drawing, etc. If you don’t have even one for that day, lower your standards!
Here’s an idea: for one day, or one hour, or just one moment, choose to be passionate about whatever is before you—sweep the floor with passion, live your life with passion!
Good luck to you all. This is a lovely journey to be taking.