Charisma can be defined as having the confidence to be fully yourself – your most
engaging, most charming, most energetic, attractive, vibrant, alive self.
Our charisma training came as a result of a two-day workshop we did with the Marketing
Director of a major corporation and his team. We were on the topic of charisma and how
it applies to personal development and public speaking when the director made an
interesting comment. He said, “Who I am at work is very different from the person I am
at home.” I commented that it must be very difficult dealing with that split personality
“Could it be that you are robbing your team of a whole different side of you?
What affect does that have on you leadership skills? Your spontaneous creativity and
freedom of thought get beaten down with that kind of thinking.”
Many of us are uncomfortable with using the word charisma in relation to ourselves,
reluctant to claim what is special and unique about us—-which is ironic, since that’s what
charisma is all about. I understand why people feel that way, but consider how much
you’re leaving on the table. It’s hard to maintain the energy required to perform at your
highest level when you shut essential parts of yourself down. When we stand firm,
and communicate from a deeper level than just the surface of our personality, we are
giving our charismatic self a chance of being seen.
This young leader decided to take on developing his charisma. While the work was, at
times, challenging and uncomfortable, he emerged with a whole new way of being. He
was still the same person but now he carried a new kind of energy and sense of self.
People who communicate charismatically have the ability to inspire and connect with
anyone. The following quote embodies this quality and lies at the very foundation of our
“There’s a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into
action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you
block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost—the world will not
have it.”
~ Martha Graham
Every client and every student I have taught has recited this quote. Their assignment
has always been to “embody” or express the meaning of the words – so that when they
say the word vitality they say it with energy, spirit and passion. It is through this process
that they learn a new way of expressing themselves and tapping into the source of their
charismatic self.
Who do you know who freely expresses their charismatic self?
Here’s to becoming your charismatic self and……
Happy Valentines Day!