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Better Public Speaking: Combining Skills with Facets of Your Personality

Laurie Burton • October 30, 2014

As I have mentioned previously in my blog, my background is in acting. So many times in my life I have used skills I learned as an actor to strengthen and intensify my message as a speaker, coach and trainer.

Better public speaking happens when you begin combining the skills you possess with facets of your personality. The purpose of this post is to familiarize you with yet another skill that will ease your tension and fear when out there speaking and presenting.

What happens to the ‘real you’ and why

I spend a lot of time talking and writing about how important it is to just “be yourself” when you’re in the spotlight. However, I realize this is so much easier said than done. We all know that when your name is called or you’re the next one up to speak, “being yourself” can easily become you, yourself and some other speaking demon that has captured your mind and body. The ‘relaxed-just-be-yourself’ you, is suddenly gone. All eyes are on you, but the tension demon is in charge and, if you don’t deal with the tension demon proactively, it will undermine you in countless ways:

  • forgetting what you were going to say
  • cold sweats
  • unconscious nervous gesturing
  • moving about unsteadily
  • ultimately, anything that takes you away from connecting with your audience

Ah… but there are skills that can subdue the demon

As the title to this article suggests, we all have facets, sides, or different colors to our personalities. We’re going to explore these facets to aid us in fighting the tension demon.

Let me start by making a partial list of some different sides of my own personality as an example. My personality consists of:

  • The Nurturing Mother
  • The Wise Woman
  • The Teacher
  • The Inspirational Leader
  • The Critic
  • The Perfectionist
  • The Loner
  • The Strong Woman
  • The Angry Woman
  • The Explorer
  • The Little Girl
  • The Sexy/Feminine Woman
  • The Funny Lady
  • The Free Spirit

These are just a few of the facets to my personality, but the motivation for this list is to get you to think about the many different facets to your own personality.

Why acquaint yourself with your individual personality sides? So you know the depth and breadth of who you are and what you have to offer and can call on your inner strengths whenever they are needed.

Begin combining what you know with who you are for better presentations

The facets and aspects of your personality are basic weapons in your arsenal that can help fight off the demon tension. It works like this: you’re getting ready to take the stage or make a presentation. Your intention is to just “be yourself,” but you know that the demon is waiting in the wings to derail you as soon as you begin. Why not assume (or wear) one of your better, stronger sides to start the presentation? You might start by calling forth the inspirational leader, the free spirit, or the teacher, any part of you that gives you courage and confidence.

The secret to this skill is tapping an essence, a facet, a depth of your personality that can help you take on – and defeat – the tension demon. You can use as many sides as you like in the course of a presentation! The goal is to allow you just relax and be comfortable just being yourself, while being an effective communicator.

Ultimately, this better way of speaking and presenting will support you in connecting with your audience, making a greater difference in their lives.

Make your own list about yourself

I’ve shared some of my personality facets. Now, it’s your turn to identify the personal traits you know and recognize within you. Include as many aspects as you can. Remember, even though they may not all be positive, they are still highly valuable. Don’t forget to understand and use your many colors – your personal arsenal of powerful forces that, when combined with the skills you possess, will make you a powerful force when speaking and presenting.

Laurie Burton Training Blog

By Laurie Burton March 22, 2022
Can you admit to becoming bored, even frustrated with your level of comfort? I can easily feel disappointment when someone I’m working with or the people in my networking groups will not be brave! I notice when people are too uncomfortable, reluctant, or afraid to extend themselves and try something new. I observe people constantly – both those that I know well and those that I have just met. It’s what I do because the core of my work is helping others to present themselves in a way that makes them stand out from the rest. After all, it’s a powerful way to get the success you deserve in a world where everyone is constantly vying for attention. When was the last time you felt brave enough to: Ask for something you really want Step out of your normal comfort zone Speak up about something you truly believe in Walk onto a stage, up to a microphone, or into a corporate setting Speaking of Up-Speak Because so many people speak in question marks today, the practice has actually been given a name. “Up-Speak” is the term for ending every sentence with a question mark instead of a period. This rising intonation at the end of every sentence causes those listening to wonder if the speaker is “sure” of what he or she is saying. It’s a real confidence killer. And while we all engage in this style of conversation from time-to-time, if overused during an interview, speech or presentation, it speaks to a lack of self-esteem and professionalism. Speaking up with confidence and authority is powerful in the following ways: Attracts and holds the attention of others. Permits you to ask for and get what you really want. Allows others to believe in your message – and have the confidence to trust in what you are saying. Speaking of Power Positive eye contact gives you the power to connect with others, inviting them in and communicating on a personal level that impacts and influences. This is how you make a difference. This is how you stand out from the rest. This is how you create more success in your life and in your work. The power of an attention-getting presentation belongs to those who will be brave – and it begins with addressing your fears. It continues with using those fears to your advantage. Here’s what I mean: One of the most common fears we all share is the fear of being judged. Since you’ll be judged no matter what you are saying or doing in this life, doesn’t it make sense to make it an engaging introduction or interesting presentation? Knowing that you’ve done a great job in reaching out to your audience results in a powerful feeling of having done your best; that you’ve succeeded in connecting with them. At this point, you’ll be prepared to let go of all expectations and judgments. Neale Donald Walsch says it this way, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Speaking of a New You Your job is to be the best you can be. If you’re willing to stretch your comfort zone you’ll soon experience the powerful new you who is able to enjoy: Being comfortable at a higher level Less tension, anxiety, and fear of judgment Maintained poise and composure, without hiding or sacrificing your vitality or true personality. You are free and powerful – because you are brave! 3 Brave Steps You Can Take Now When fear erodes your confidence and self-esteem it’s time to: 1. Step out of your comfort zone 2. Step up to what it is that you know you were meant to do 3. Step into the life you were meant to live I’d love to help you Rock That Interview or Raise Your Keynote. If you’re ready to get the success you’ve been craving, grab your FREE copy of Animation: The Physical Expression of Your Life Force NOW to get started!
By Laurie Burton March 21, 2022
Charisma can be defined as having the confidence to be fully yourself – your most engaging, most charming, most energetic, attractive, vibrant, alive self. Our charisma training came as a result of a two-day workshop we did with the Marketing Director of a major corporation and his team. We were on the topic of charisma and how it applies to personal development and public speaking when the director made an interesting comment. He said, “Who I am at work is very different from the person I am at home.” I commented that it must be very difficult dealing with that split personality everyday. “Could it be that you are robbing your team of a whole different side of you? What effect does that have on you leadership skills? Your spontaneous creativity and freedom of thought get beaten down with that kind of thinking.” Many of us are uncomfortable with using the word charisma in relation to ourselves, reluctant to claim what is special and unique about us — which is ironic, since that’s what charisma is all about. I understand why people feel that way, but consider how much you’re leaving on the table. It’s hard to maintain the energy required to perform at your highest level when you shut essential parts of yourself down. When we stand firm and communicate from a deeper level than just the surface of our personality, we are giving our charismatic self a chance of being seen. This young leader decided to take on developing his charisma. While the work was, at times, risky and uncomfortable, he emerged with a whole new way of being. He was still the same person but now he carried a new kind of energy and sense of self. People who communicate charismatically have the ability to inspire and connect with anyone. The following quote embodies this quality and lies at the very foundation of the Laurie Burton Training. “There’s a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost—the world will not have it.” ~ Martha Graham Every client and every student I have taught has recited this quote. Their assignment has always been to “embody” or express the meaning of the words – so that when they say the word vitality they say it with energy, spirit and passion. It is through this process that they learn a new way of expressing themselves and tapping into the source of their charismatic self. Who do you know who freely expresses their charismatic self?
By Laurie Burton March 6, 2021
Hello everyone.  Before I write this blog I wanted to thank all of you for being a part of, and for your interest in Laurie Burton Training. I love what I do! Helping people realize their potential and embrace their individuality. BUT, there are times when I have to “practice what I preach.”  Example: All […] The post The Greatest Communicator – Life first appeared on Laurie Burton Training.
By Laurie Burton February 5, 2021
Charisma can be defined as having the confidence to be fully yourself – your most engaging, most charming, most energetic, attractive, vibrant, alive self. Our charisma training came as a result of a two-day workshop we did with the Marketing Director of a major corporation and his team. We were on the topic of charisma and how it applies […] The post Communicating With Charisma first appeared on Laurie Burton Training.
By Laurie Burton January 12, 2021
Reluctant as I was to write a New Year’s post, I knew that it would be a good thing for me to go ahead and do it. I’ve always been a glass-half-full kind of  woman, so here I go. When my husband and I brought in the New Year, I didn’t know what I was […] The post Communicating in 2021 first appeared on Laurie Burton Training.
By Laurie Burton November 6, 2020
Having worked for over three decades with people at every level of the business world, I’ve witnessed many aspects of the corporate experience. I’ve observed CEOs, managers, directors, vice presidents and presidents in sales and marketing, design and development, finance, legal and operations departments. The main problem I was hired to solve?- poor communications and […] The post Animation: The Physical Expression of Your Life Force first appeared on Laurie Burton Training.
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