I was cheering after I saw the new animated film, “Inside Out.”
What a wonderfully inspirational film about dealing with emotions from the point of view of an eleven-year-old girl. AND it’s a film by Pixar lending further credibility to a subject I’ve been teaching for more than thirty years.
Inside Out showed Anger, Joy, Disgust, Sadness and Fear (in gloriously animated color) for every person seeing the film to consider. Even the people who don’t see the movie will hear about this adventure into a young girl’s emotions.
The most important takeaway from viewing Inside Out is that children and their parents will have a whole new way to look at their emotions. Young children will learn not to be afraid of their emotions, that emotions are a part of who they are. Mom and Dad get a refreshing way to re-examine how they express themselves.
What actors know about working from the inside out – and the outside in
Paul Newman worked from the inside out, using his own emotional experiences to fulfill the emotional obligations of a scene. On the other hand, his wife, Joanne Woodward, worked from the outside in, using dress, makeup, or costume to fulfill the emotions in the scene.
Twenty-five years ago, in 1990, I wrote, “In my many years of doing this work I am certainly aware of the different kinds of training being offered in the areas of communication and presentation. So much of what’s offered is from the outside in, such as:
That’s all good except one thing – where is the training that speaks to communicating and presenting from the inside out?
In other words, where do your emotions fit in when presenting? What are the emotional tools that are necessary to make a great presentation, to make the sale, market to the buyer or lead a team?
Why you should be grateful to Pixar for making this film
Thanks to Inside Out, our children now have a way of connecting their feelings and emotions to a name and an aspect of their own personality. They can now identify with something that’s going on inside. Just yesterday, my 4-year old granddaughter said something and then commented that it was disgusting!
Can you imagine when the writers of this film first had the idea and presented it to the decision makers? It may have gone something like this: “This is a film about a little girl’s emotions that live in her head, and they are Disgust, Anger, Fear, Joy, and Sadness…”
(I wish I could have been a fly on the wall!)
All I want to say is that this is an extraordinary film with something for everyone! Talk about expressing emotions has been out there for years. But when you animate it and put these emotions in the head and heart of an 11-year-old it really hits home.
Because it’s offered in a way that is both accessible and fun, your children – and YOU – have more tools for relating your emotions.
Thanks to all the creatives who made this film, who have used a medium that I love, to point to the work that I love – helping others to successfully communicate from the inside out.
I’ve got my own series of short films that will give you even more easy, quick tools for greater success in speaking and presenting. Grab yours today!