What’s different on January 1st? What’s new? Not much when you think about it.
We use forms and categories like years and months and weeks to divide and conquer our lives one day at a time. The change of year seems more “momentous” because we’re in that year or “form” of 2019 for quite a while.
“January” has some “new” cache because it’s so associated with the “new” year, the beginning, again.
I choose to look not just to The Promise of 2019 but also to the daily and even moment-to-moment new opportunities to make peace, to create change, to expand and explore.
Every day, every moment, is an opportunity to choose, anew. Your choice.
Fresh chances to choose to be connected and to be of service. More options to choose peace over war, to choose love over hate, to reach out rather than recoil.
If we’re aware of our moment-to-moment experience and open to whatever each moment may bring, we have greater access to our own power, vitality and effectiveness.
I just quoted Deepak Chopra in my Facebook post and I want you to receive the quote as well. It says, “My true self contains every possibility.” Wow it’s right up my alley! You see every time you want to make a presentation or connect with someone the required skills are right inside you. You only need to trust the process and engage a new you!
May your New Year be filled with health and happiness, connection and compassion. Live your life to its fullest in each and every moment in 2019!
With deep appreciation for the world I’m living in, including you.