Around the world, the handshake is recognized as a form of greeting. The way in which a handshake is offered can tell you a lot about a person. It can speak to their social status, level of confidence, and more.
Do you ever think about your handshake? Most people don’t give it much thought – and that’s why the handshake can be so revealing. How someone extends their hand can be a natural reflection of their true personality.
Influencers know that what they do is just as important (if not more important) than the words they speak. First impressions often include the handshake, and its influence can leave a lasting impression, so it’s worth getting it right!
What Your Handshake May Be Saying About You
It’s not just your handshake that’s revealing, but also, how the rest of our body takes part in the act.
Interestingly, I’ve read that the handshake is thought to have originated as a way of showing that the hand traditionally known to hold a weapon was empty, and extended as a non-threatening greeting to the other party.
Here are some things your handshake could be saying about you, and why you should consider the influence of your handshake in the level of your success.
Be Present and Offer a Firm, Full-contact Handshake
When you extend your hand, you’re extending yourself and showing that you want to connect with someone. You are influencing the other person, if only for a moment, so make sure the contact is positive for both of you.
How would you describe your handshake? You can know the influence it plays by reading the other person’s body language. If they don’t want to let go…you may be on your way to a lasting relationship that could help to promote your success!